Clipped wings / 拍動翅膀
I was a broken thing / 我是個瑕疵品
Had a voice / 尋求自己的聲音
Had a voice but I could not sing... / 找到了卻無法唱出歌..
You would wind me down / 你如狂風般的打擊我使我墜落
I struggled on the ground / 我在地上不停掙扎
So lost, the line had been crossed / 就這樣被打敗,界限已被打破
Had a voice, had a voice but I could not talk / 想像其他鳥兒一樣快樂的唱著歌,但我卻無法
You held me down / 是你將我墜落
I struggle to fly now / 但我現在要飛給你看

But there's a scream inside that we are frightened / 有個東西在尖叫把我們都嚇傻了
We hold on so tight, we cannot deny / 我們抓緊彼此 無法否認
Eats us alive, oh it eats us alive / 他以我們維生 他要吃掉我們
Yes, there's a scream inside that we are frightened / 是的 我們都被那尖叫聲嚇著了
We hold on so tight, but I don't wanna die, no / 我緊抓唯一的生命線 因為我還不想就這麼死去
I don't wanna die / 我還有好多事能做
I don't wanna die / 我不想就這麼死去

I'm not gon' care if I sing off key / 我不在意我唱歌時找不到調
I find myself in my melodies / 我在旋律中找到自我
I sing for love, I sing for me / 我為我愛的歌唱 為自己歌唱
I shout it out like a bird set free / 就像隻被釋放的鳥兒
No I don't care if I sing off key / 不 我並不在意我跑調
I find myself in my melodies / 我在自己的歌聲中得到自信
I sing for love, I sing for me / 我為愛唱歌 為自己所唱
I'll shout it out like a bird set free / 我會像隻自由的鳥兒
I'll shout it out like a bird set free / 自在的歌唱
I'll shout it out like a bird set free / 不顧及其他

Now I fly, hit the high notes / 現在我飛入天際,高聲的唱著歌
I have a voice, have a voice, hear me roar tonight / 我能唱歌了,可以高歌了,快聽我所唱的樂曲
You held me down / 你曾經使我墜落
But I fought back loud / 從沒想過我會反擊的如此響亮

But there's a scream inside that we all try to hide / 有個我們都怕得想說躲起來的東西在裡頭
We hold on so tight, we cannot deny / 不能否認的 我們抓緊彼此
Eats us alive, oh it eats us alive / 他要吃掉我們,不,他會吃掉我們
Yes, there's a scream inside that we all try to hide / 那個令我們這麼害怕的東西就在裡頭
We hold on so tight, but I don't wanna die, no / 我緊抓那唯一的生命線,我不能就這麼死去
I don't wanna die, I don't wanna die / 還有好多事我想去做,還有好多我沒嘗試過

I'm not gon' care if I sing off key / 我不在意我唱歌跑調
I find myself in my melodies / 我在歌聲中找到自我
I sing for love, I sing for me / 我為愛所唱,為自己所唱
I shout it out like a bird set free / 自在的像隻被釋放的鳥兒
No I don't care if I sing off key / 我不在意找不到調
I find myself in my melodies / 我能在旋律中找到自我
I sing for love, I sing for me / 我唱的是愛,唱得是自信
I'll shout it out like a bird set free / 我就像被釋放的鳥兒
I'll shout it out like a bird set free / 自在的高歌
I'll shout it out like a bird set free / 自在的飛翔
I'll shout it out like a bird set free / 不顧及其他
I'll shout it out like a bird set free / 只在乎夢想
I'll shout it out like a bird set free / 愛怎麼唱就怎麼唱。




不是被妹妹頭男生嚇到 是因為他的腋毛Orz







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